Single Conductor Interactive Installation
This process assumes you have already created a bootable device using a USB. Instructions for downloading and creating a bootable device are available in Downloading an SSR ISO and Creating a Bootable USB.
The steps in this section describe the interactive conductor installation from the packaged-based ISO. The section Initialize the Conductor describes using the Initializer to configure the system as a Conductor after installing from the Interactive ISO.
The Conductor installation must be completed before installing a Session Smart Router or routers using the ISO. The same ISO is used for both installations.
To install a router after installing and configuring the Conductor, use the SSR Installation. The Router Installation Using OTP procedure can be used for whitebox and air-gap, conductor-managed network installations.
- Ensure that the platform you are installing on meets the SSR hardware requirements.
- Verify that the boot priority of the USB drive is properly listed in the system BIOS.
- Local console connectivity to the device/VM.
Conductor Conversion
An SSR device (SSR1xx or SSR1xxx) shipped with SSR 5.4.x Routing software may be reinitialized as a conductor for use in an existing network. The conductor can be used with or without Cloud Telemetry for devices running software versions 5.5 or greater.
To to convert an SSR device to a conductor, follow the Conductor Installation procedure. The NMTUI and Initialization process will configure your device properly for managing routers.