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Basic Router Configuration

The steps below generate a basic router configuration on the conductor. This configuration becomes part of the quickstart file that is generated and automatically pulled into the Bootstrap process after the Router installation.

Configure a Router from the Conductor

Using the Conductor, the following procedures guide you through a basic router configuration. The names and IP addresses used here are for example only, to provide continutity in the sample process.

Create the Router

  1. Log in to the Conductor GUI.
  2. Select Configuration.
  3. In the Routers list, select ADD.
  4. Name the new router dallasbr2 and select SAVE.
    • Input the location Coordinates: +32.7767-096.7970/.
    • Select internal for Inter-node Security Policy.

Create the WAN Interface

  1. Scroll down to Nodes and select ADD next to Nodes.
    • Name the node, node1; select SAVE.
    • Select the Role of Combo for the node.
  2. Scroll down and select ADD next to Device Interfaces.
    • Name the Device Interface wan1; select SAVE.
    • Select Ethernet for Device Interface Type.
    • Enter the PCI address of the interface to be used as the WAN interface under PCI Address. To identify the PCI Address, refer to Identify Interface PCI Addresses.
  3. Scroll down to Network Interfaces; select ADD.
    • Name it wan1 and select SAVE.
    • Select external for Type.
  4. Scroll down to Interface Addresses; select ADD.
    • Enter for the address; select SAVE.
    • Give the network interface a Prefix of 24.
    • Assign a Gateway using your network gateway address.
  5. Return to the Network Interface level (up one level).
    • Scroll down to Neighborhoods; select ADD.
    • Select internet and SAVE.
    • Under Basic Information, verify the Topology is Spoke.

Configure the LAN Interface

  1. Return to the Node level of the configuration (up three levels).
  2. Scroll down to Device Interfaces; select ADD.
    • Name the Device Interface lan1.
    • Select Ethernet for Device Interface Type.
    • Enter the PCI address of the interface to be used as the LAN interface under PCI Address. To identify the PCI Address, refer to Identify Interface PCI Addresses.
  3. Scroll down to Network Interfaces; select ADD.
    • Name the interface lan1.
    • Select External for Type.
    • Assign corp as the Tenant.
  4. Scroll down to Interface Addresses; select ADD.
    • Enter the address
    • Give the network interface a Prefix of 24.

Create a Service Route

  1. Return to the Router level (up four levels).
  2. Scroll down to Service Routes and select ADD.
    • Name the Service Route internet-route and select ADD.
    • Select internet as the Service Name.
    • Under Service Route Type, select Service Agent.
  3. Scroll down to Next Hop and select ADD.
    • Select node1 as the Node.
    • Select wan1 for the Network Interface.
    • Select Save.
  4. Return to the Authority level (up three levels).
    • Scroll down to Services, and select internet.
    • Scroll down to security Policies and select internal.

Verify and Commit the Configuration

  1. In the Routers list, select the dallasbr2 router.
  2. Return to the Authority level (up one level) and click on the Authority tile.
  3. Verify that there is a configured Conductor Address.
  4. Select VALIDATE. When the validation passes, select COMMIT.

The Conductor has now staged your Router. Next, we will use OTP to deploy the Router.