Basic Router Configuration
The steps below generate a basic router configuration on the conductor. This configuration becomes part of the quickstart file that is generated and automatically pulled into the Bootstrap process after the Router installation.
Configure a Router from the Conductor
Using the Conductor, the following procedures guide you through a basic router configuration. The names and IP addresses used here are for example only, to provide continutity in the sample process.
Create the Router
- Log in to the Conductor GUI.
- Select Configuration.
- In the Routers list, select ADD.
- Name the new router dallasbr2 and select SAVE.
- Input the location Coordinates: +32.7767-096.7970/.
- Select internal for Inter-node Security Policy.
Create the WAN Interface
- Scroll down to Nodes and select ADD next to Nodes.
- Name the node, node1; select SAVE.
- Select the Role of Combo for the node.
- Scroll down and select ADD next to Device Interfaces.
- Name the Device Interface wan1; select SAVE.
- Select Ethernet for Device Interface Type.
- Enter the PCI address of the interface to be used as the WAN interface under PCI Address. To identify the PCI Address, refer to Identify Interface PCI Addresses.
- Scroll down to Network Interfaces; select ADD.
- Name it wan1 and select SAVE.
- Select external for Type.
- Scroll down to Interface Addresses; select ADD.
- Enter for the address; select SAVE.
- Give the network interface a Prefix of 24.
- Assign a Gateway using your network gateway address.
- Return to the Network Interface level (up one level).
- Scroll down to Neighborhoods; select ADD.
- Select internet and SAVE.
- Under Basic Information, verify the Topology is Spoke.
Configure the LAN Interface
- Return to the Node level of the configuration (up three levels).
- Scroll down to Device Interfaces; select ADD.
- Name the Device Interface lan1.
- Select Ethernet for Device Interface Type.
- Enter the PCI address of the interface to be used as the LAN interface under PCI Address. To identify the PCI Address, refer to Identify Interface PCI Addresses.
- Scroll down to Network Interfaces; select ADD.
- Name the interface lan1.
- Select External for Type.
- Assign corp as the Tenant.
- Scroll down to Interface Addresses; select ADD.
- Enter the address
- Give the network interface a Prefix of 24.
Create a Service Route
- Return to the Router level (up four levels).
- Scroll down to Service Routes and select ADD.
- Name the Service Route internet-route and select ADD.
- Select internet as the Service Name.
- Under Service Route Type, select Service Agent.
- Scroll down to Next Hop and select ADD.
- Select node1 as the Node.
- Select wan1 for the Network Interface.
- Select Save.
- Return to the Authority level (up three levels).
- Scroll down to Services, and select internet.
- Scroll down to security Policies and select internal.
Verify and Commit the Configuration
- In the Routers list, select the dallasbr2 router.
- Return to the Authority level (up one level) and click on the Authority tile.
- Verify that there is a configured Conductor Address.
- Select VALIDATE. When the validation passes, select COMMIT.
The Conductor has now staged your Router. Next, we will use OTP to deploy the Router.