SSR Anti-Virus
The SSR provides Anti-Virus protection on spoke devices, and is configurable on a per-application basis. SSR Anti-Virus runs with or without IDP configuration, reports metrics to the User Interface, and will generate alarms if the anti-virus engine fails for any reason. With both built-in and user-customizable security profiles, it provides a high level of flexibility.
How Does It Work?
SSR Anti-Virus uses the Sophos anti-virus engine and includes a self signing certificate for simplified, secure connection. Similar to IDP, Anti-Virus is configurable directly on the spokes of the network. You can select one of the built-in security profiles, or define parameters on your own for a custom profile.
SSR Anti-Virus Profiles
The SSR provides the following standard profiles:
: Process only http traffic.default-profile
: Process all traffic: ftp, http, imap, pop3,
: Process all traffic except ftp.
If you choose to configure a custom profile, the following lists and values are configurable:
: A list of URLs or addresses to be bypassed by antivirus scanning.mime-allowlist
: A MIME exception list to be bypassed by antivirus scanning.fallback-action
: A list of fallback options: block, log-and-permit, or permit. The default setting is log-and-permit, and can be changed to block or permit if desired.protocol
: The type of traffic to process. This list includes http, smtp, pop3, imap, ftp. Only the protocols selected from the list are processed by the AV engine.max-filesize
: The maximum filesize permitted. The default is 10,000 bytes.
Configuration can be performed from either the CLI or the Web Interface (GUI).
Configure Anti-Virus Standard Profiles (CLI)
service internet
access-policy branch
anti-virus-policy http-only
Custom Profile Example (CLI)
service internet
access-policy branch
anti-virus-profile custom-profile
anti-virus-profile custom-profile
name custom-profile
url-allowlist *
url-allowlist *
mime-allowlist audio
mime-allowlist video
protocol http
protocol icmp
max-filesize 20000
fallback-action permit
In most cases, entering invalid values or parameters during configuration will generate a message in either the CLI or web interface informing the user that the entry is not correct. Invalid configurations will not be committed, and will generate a validation error.
Use the following information and show commands to help identify issues with configuring or running Anti-Virus.
- Anti-Virus server is down: An alarm is triggered and an error logged.
- Anti-Virus engine not running: An alarm is triggered and an error logged after X number of restart attempts.
Show Commands
The following show commands can be used to view information relevant to the Anti-Virus feature.
show idp application status
- AV Engine status, license stats idp antivirus
- Information regarding traffic processed by the AV engine.